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 | Adobe MAX – The Creativity Conference
Oct 14 - 16, 2024/ Miami Beach
This year creatives from all over the world will meet in Miami to explore the latest trends and Adobe tools, and learn from each other in a spirit of inspiration and collaboration. You are on site and would like to learn more about our tool MadeToTag? Meet the axaio team and our US partner CHAX on-site! Register for the accessibility session of Chad Chelius at Adobe MAX here. You want to pre-schedule a meeting with the axaio team. Contact us for an appointment at MAX ... |
 | PDF Week Prague
Nov 4-8, 2024/ Prague
PDF Week is designed to foster the PDF ecosystem with extended in-person Technical and Liaison Working Group meetings as well as the opportunity to observe and participate in the ISO working groups that govern ISO standards for PDF technology. Beyond the work on new specifications and other industry-based resources, PDF Week provides a unique opportunity to network with your colleagues in PDF technology. axaio will be on-site – you too? |