MadeToPrint Standard
Teams struggling with insufficient or unfriendly output procedures inside their workflows can use axaio MadeToPrint to speed up, to optimize and to standardize printing and exporting.
axaio MadeToPrint Standard is a plug-in for Adobe® InDesign®, Illustrator® or InCopy® and an XTension for QuarkXPress®. Fitting neatly into those publishing applications, MadeToPrint Standard allows manual, one-click, print and export from your design document to one or more output targets.
The production processes leading to the final printed document need to be as efficient and reliable as possible, especially when handling specialized documents in multiple languages and versions.
axaio MadeToPrint is the ideal gate keeper and offers streamlined and faultless production with standardized file naming, adding info bars, handling language layers and finally providing a fully imposed ready to print file. Needless to say that this adds a tremendous efficiency increase, and considerable time and cost savings.
MadeToPrint can easily be integrated in any production automation solution. A configurator for Enfocus Switch enables an easy configuration of the entire workflow.
Creative and production teams often struggle with insufficient or unfriendly document output procedures inside industry leading publishing tools. In comes the axaio MadeToPrint, the intelligent printing and exporting add-on to Adobe® InDesign®/InCopy®/QuarkXPress®/Illustrator®. It relieves designers for all technicalities of preparing files for print. It solves output flaws, misprints, issues with layers, etc… by extending, enhancing, checking and streamlining all output processes. Production managers can create output job sets once, making them available to all users, to get identical output from every workstation with one mouse click.
Today, Adobe Illustrator remains the tool of choice for the creation of packaging designs. At the same time, PDF is gaining popularity as the file format of choice for file exchange and review. With MadeToPrint for Illustrator, axaio provides a solution to automate PDF output from Illustrator with all the advantages such as cost savings and reduced errors.
MadeToPrint for Adobe Illustrator is the perfect tool to automate the creation of different packaging versions, standardize file naming and increase output consistency. Once an output specification is set up in a MadeToPrint JobSet all files processed with that JobSet will consistently fit the same specification. It also allows you to extract all kinds of versions from the same master file, different language versions, low resolution for customer approval, a technical specification version for making the die cuts and more.
Packaging designers and pre-press professionals are now able to create PDF files from Illustrator, without having to worry whether complex layer structures are correctly handled, or whether naming conventions and other production specifications are set correctly.
Application | Pricing (net/excl. VAT) |
 | Adobe® InDesign® | Single user license: € 349 |
 | Adobe® InCopy® | Single user license: € 349 |
 | Adobe® Illustrator® | Desktop site license* € 3.990
(*higher quantity of desktop licenses) |
 | QuarkXpress® | Single user license: € 349 |
The price for an upgrade to a newer Adobe or Quark version of MadeToPrint Standard is 174,- EUR (net/excl. VAT). As of two licenses there is also the possibility to conclude an annual maintenance agreement, including among others all upgrades free of charge. For more information please send an e-mail to or contact your reseller from whom you bought the software.
With Screenshots and step-by-step explanation our tutorials help to configure and use the MadeToPrint product.
Click here for a list of tutorials
One single configuration of time-consuming, manual output settings
Once settings saved in a job set, usable consistently
Less errors, therefore more productivity and reliability in PDF creation
Secure output through standardization
Greater functionality and control over any type of output format
Considerable time and cost saving
Increased productivity
Combining multiple output steps and executing them simultaneously:
create job sets that contain several output steps and combine different types of printout or export to be launched as one output step
Extended PDF check with ’PDF Post-Process’:
run a preflight check during PDF export
Target different output channels:
drive different destination printers in your network or export to several file formats from a single job set
Export to different file formats:
export InDesign files to JPEG, PDF, interactive PDF, EPS, PostScript, INX, SWF, IDML, Flash or InDesign Packages
Processing layers individually or in combinations:
combine layers flexibly and output them as variants, e.g. for multilingual files or regional versions
Dynamic definition of file and folder names:
configure destination file and folder names based on rules and use tokens (variables) to insert information at runtime; conveniently choose from token list to set up your own configuration
Flexible handling of files/folders/books:
process current document, all open documents, all documents in a book or all documents in a folder
Preflighting before printing/exporting:
check document for missing/changed links or missing fonts before output
Font loading and image update:
load required fonts and update modified images before output
Single page output:
print all pages or spreads of an InDesign document individually, or export each as a separate single file
Generating an info bar:
create a slug at the top of a page in printed output and exported EPS or PostScript files
Multifunctional layer views in InDesign with ’MadeForLayers’ from within MadeToPrint:
group different layers in one design document into logical combinations; create one single layer view for each language or regional version or provide a technical, marketing-oriented and legal view of a design – with a single mouse click (see 'Tutorials')
Flexible export customization with ’Parameter Overrides’:
apply various output parameters for different documents “on-the-fly” – flexible and easy
Batch processing with script support:
output all documents in a folder and optionally run scripts before or after each pass
Packaging feature:
activate the InDesign packaging function separately or as part of a job set and collect all images, fonts, profiles and settings for an InDesign document into a single folder
Imposition option:
generate fully imposed PDF files; a wide selection of immediately usable imposition templates is included, and custom imposition templates can be added easily
Distiller option:
for better compability with legacy workflows, create PDF files by sending PostScript through Adobe Acrobat Distiller
Putting a frame around each page:
add a frame to the output to highlight the page border; line type, position, color and opacity for the frame can be configured as needed
PostScript expert option:
when printing to a PostScript printer or exporting EPS or PostScript, PostScript code snippets can be inserted for highly customizable output
Keyboard short cuts:
offering faster handling and therefore maximum efficiency to the user
Click here for a complete feature list.
If you need help in defining what automation version you need, please go to the detailed overview.