The complete list of features, bug fixes and changes of the latest versions can be found here:
Fixed a bug where switch mode did not process multiple files
Fixed a bug where auto mode crashed InDesign when started a second time
Fixed a bug where page label in book mode did not work for single page output
New Features
Fixed a critical bug where a document stayed open after processing in auto mode and might interfere with next export
Fixed a bug where Packaging a layout a second time fails
Fixed a bug where the report was missing in Switch mode
Fixed a bug where no PDF was created after preflight
Fixed a bug where a file remained in In folder after packaging
Fixed a bug with ASK token where it causes InDesign to crash
Fixed a couple of bugs in Batch mode:
Only one file was processed when preflight was enabled
Ask token was shown multiple times
Folder choose dialog was opened multiple times
Crash when processing files with ask tokens
“No document open” shows despite a document being open
Fixed a bug where layers added via preprocess scripting are missing in output
Allow for more than eight options in Parameter overrides
Add a “Show error report” button in Standard mode
New pdfEngine version 15 included
New MadeForLayers version 1.5.056 included
Enhance lock mechanism for larger files
Don't process empty XML in jobticket modes (issue with server protocol caching)
Ignore hidden files in “Process folder” mode when creating a PDF from all files in that folder
Detect changes before switching configurations
Some minor UI adjustments
Resolved a crash when running twice in the same InDesign session
Fixed a bug where MadeToPrint was unable to find Output Jobs in when manually starting the auto mode
Fixed a bug where the current document was closed after processing in MadeToPrint Standard processing
Improved handling of new InDesign feature “hidden spreads”
New Feature
Support hidden spreads in parameter overrides (in InDesign 2024)
New preflight option to check for missing plugins
New option in layer mode where you can choose to include layers whose “printable” is set to “false”
New preflight option to check for missing fonts or links independently
Jobticket can now contain the actual script code in <preprocess-javascript-data> / <postprocess-javascript-data> instead of path to script
Input job ticket can now be in JSON format
Result job ticket can be JSON when requested in the input ticket (<ticket-outformat>)
New Token “MadeToPrintJob”
Fixed a bug where MadeToPrint got stuck in switch mode when processing documents with linked InDesign documents
Fixed a bug where Jobticket mode in MadeToPrint Server did not output the preflight report
Parameter Overrides for Page Orientation always used Portrait Mode
Fixed a bug in Preflight when processing Books
Fixed a bug where the auto mode could not be started
Fixed a bug where books could not been processed with documents that need conversion
Fixed a bug where MadeToPrint crashed in trial mode
Optimised Installed in a way that it does not remove other axaio plugins
When creating a book in Auto mode (from folder), ignore hidden files and check if files are valid InDesign files
Files that got stuck in hotfolder (e.g. because crashing InDesign Server), are now moved to error folder (if one is provided)
In Jobticket mode, the result xml will contain missing layer names in <content><message>
Scope of preprocess scripts (run per job, layer, page) is now configurable via job ticket
UI enhancements
Parameter overrides does allow more than eight overrides per out put job
Parameter overrides is integrated into setup panel (no separate dialog anymore)
Couple of minor UI enhancements
New Feature
Fixed a bug where links needed to be updated after packaging a layout with MadeToPrint: copying the ID package to the final destination does not change the modification date of the links
Fixed a bug where metadata was not reachable when working in Woodwing mode
Fixed a bug that leads to only one instance running in multi instance processing
Fixed a bug where pdf post process variables could not be saved
“Show page box” does now also work with layer combinations and single layer output
Enhanced integrated InDesign preflight runs only on the page range that is actually exported
New version of pdf post processing engine supports additional PDF profiles
Smaller improvements in the UI and on internal processing
Caution When processing books, there is a bug when processing books from older InDesign versions as well as needing to update the book document paths. This bug will be adressed in the next release.
New Feature
Improved book processing:
Create single page output from book input
Search missing links in additional folders had no effect in book mode
Process books from older InDesign versions
Run pre-process scripts on all book documents
Package creation on fileserver volumes/shares did not work properly
Package creation from IDML input did not work properly
Package creation in Woodwing mode lead to a crash of Auto mode
Document Links were read only in Woodwing mode
Saving modifications to source document did not work for some documents
Some tokens did not work as expected
Post processing did not fully work on M1 machines
Preflight should run for each layer combination
Some minor UI optimizations
Cleanup of temporary files improved
Resolution options for JPG export now allow 2400 dpi
Update pdfEngine to version 13
Transfer hyperlinks from placed INDD or PDF documents
Additional default profiles, e.g. convert to PDF/X6
Bug fixes
ExtendScript: Added a method to log to MadeToPrint.log in scripts that are used in MadeToPrint Jobs:
app.theMadeToPrintObject.log("This is a new line in MadeToPrint.log");
bug fixes:
InDesign crashed on book export if as output format “Interactive PDF” was chosen
Solved Issues with output paths when mixing xml jobticket mode and document auto mode
When exporting single pages from an InDesign book, only pages for first document got created
Scripts did not run when exporting an InDesign book
ePub export works as expected
Book export did not work as expected for some features
When document in jobticket was unavailable/empty, MadeToPrint Auto ran into a loop
Renaming and unification of different terms in the UI (e.g. “Printer” is now “Output”)
License registration now also possible without administration permissions
Improvements in Installer for finding default install path
Preflight report file can now also be placed into the destination folder
System temp folder will be used for packaging
Links of layouts from Woodwing Enterprise packages were read only
Bugfix: MadeToPrint crashed when set was empty
Bugfix: Preflight report was missing when only running InDesign preflight
Bugfix: Token sequence editor removed existing text when inserting token
Bugfix: PageRange from jobticket xml was not recognized
Bugfix: Checkbox “View PDF after export” was ignored (always true) in book mode
Bugfix: InDesign Server crashes when document contained a placed InDesign document
New: Jobticket and Switch mode can now handle InDesign books
New: Document name for “Embed external content” is taken from external file name (was MTPdoc only)
New: New MadeForLayers version integrated (layer functionality)
New: When running a job set its name is also logged to MadeToPrint.log
New: Configuration names can handle UTF-8 characters
New: XML Jobtickets can now work with relative paths in <document>, <output-path>, <scripts…>, etc.
Bugfix: When working with books, preflight report was not found
Bugfix: In some constellations, missing preflight reports stopped auto mode
MadeToPrint uses the system temp folder for temp files [Windows]
Importing of a Set also imports the associated Printjobs (when .joboptions files are next to the imported set)
Tokens can be used Parameter Overrides values
Temporary book name when processing complete folders with multiple files is now name of the folder
New: Parameter Overrides for JPG export
New: MadeToPrint Server UI can edit, delete, duplicate configurations
New: InDesign menu entry to go directly to the editing mode (Plug-Ins → MadeToPrint Jobs → Define)
Job list in edit mode selects jobs better
Dialogs are no longer “hidden” behind the main window
In batch processing, the radio buttons were reversed
Feature: when running sets, using the page ranges from the included settings can be used
Bugfix with single page output when using jobtickets
Bugfix in token engine when filename contains ”(_)”
MadeForLayers updated
New version of pdf post processing engine (version 10)
New MadeForLayers included, with display of processing steps meta data
Feature: Jobticket mode has a new optional key <singlepageoutput> to change the single page setting of the MadeToPrint job
Feature: Jobticket mode has now more information about the processing instance in the out xml ticket
New option: “do not create destination folder”, destination folder will not be dynamically created but must exists before export
Create seperate pages also for export to INDD
Fixed a bug when importing configurations into MadeToPrint Server
When creating Packages there is now an option to export IDML and PDF as well (CC 2014 and up)
Batch mode takes also IDML files
New: processing steps meta data are written to the PDF when set up in MadeForLayers
New: new token - SUBPATH (returns the sub path of the document in Batch mode)
Fixed an issue in Parameter overrides
cmd+c doesn't close dialogs anymore, but rather inserts text as expected
After package creation the “locked” attribute is removed from folder
The new version 2.7.306 includes a new feature, optimizations and bug fixes:
New: new token – EQUAL
vjoon K4 ticket mode – after processing the document, the folder in IN folder is also cleaned up
Better handling of parallel job processing (lock files enhanced)
Better handling of sections in page label
Parameter Overrides feature – printerMarksOffset for PDF has correct data type now
“Locked” InDesign files are ignored in IN folder when they can not be processed
Warning dialog in auto mode did sometimes crash
MadeToPrint InDesign menu does not remove MadeForLayers nor MadeToCompare menu item
Order of pages is now exactly as in page range
Editing the name of a job does no more select another existing job automatically when having the same name
The new version 2.7.304 includes additional features, optimizations and bug fixes:
PostProcess variables can be filled with Tokens
Parameter Overrides dialog stays on top after showing help
Stability for book processing improved
Parameter Overrides: XML tickets can read “enums”, values shown in help dialog
Parameter Overrides does not keep old values anymore
Package is checked after creation, check for existence of InDesign file
The new version 2.7.303 includes additional features, optimizations and bug fixes:
New MadeToPrint Server UI with the option to import and change MadeToPrint configurations
When using a time limited/subscription license the MadeToPrint Server UI now shows the remaining time
Post process scripts are executed, even if there was a preflight error
More options in the page range feature, e.g. sections
Several smaller bug fixes in the MadeToPrint UI handling
Compatibility with Adobe Creative Cloud 2015
PDF Export for documents with large objects on master page is much faster
K4 ticket mode can process packages (for new K4 font feature)
Several bug fixes for drawing lines (page box feature)
Imposition did not work for some configurations
For all versions:
Preprocess scripts can be executed per scope: job, page or layer
After installation settings from an previous InDesign version can be imported
When copying/moving files to a server the operation is repeated in case of failure (e.g. temporary loss of server connection)
Book export: Layers can be exported separately
MadeToPrint Standard
MadeToPrint Standard & Auto
MadeToPrint Auto & Server
Parameter Overrides: PDF/X-4:2010 can be chosen for Standard Compliance (is PDF/X-4:2007 for ID 5 - ID 7.0)
Preflight report file is UTF 8
Overwriting output files improved
JPEG export handles transparency for correct output
TokenEngine: Token result can now contain apostrophe or quotes
SwitchMode: MTP_ID_Pre_StatusInfo.txt contains the right information
Fixed a problem with truncated file names for overwritten files on certain operating systems
new export mode “PDF (Interactive)”
Server JavaScript editMtpAutoJob() has additional parameter for priority, needs Server UI 2.5.285.
When Distiller is used, MadeToPrint waits until the PDF file is readable
K4 Tickets were not processed
hotfolder can have priority. Higher priority hotfolders are processed completely before other hotfolders are scanned.
PNG export can now use smoothing options
TIFF export can now use smoothing options
layer handling: Print layer views by name
fixed bug in external library, which caused some installation to export false PDFs
order of pages is exactly as in the page range string
page range from jobticket can also be used for jobsets
infobar preview is shown in InDesign CC on Mac again
scaling and moving of page content when using Infobar works again
better handling of distiller processes
better handling of PDF post process
pdfToolbox version is updated [pdfEngine 7.0.1 (252)] (more PDF profiles to choose from)
K4 MetaData can now be accessed in K4 v6