
New axaio MadeToTag version 3.2.132 available

We are pleased to inform you that a new MadeToTag version is available. The just released version 3.2.132 contains minor improvements and fixes some known bugs.

Among others, the previous version caused an export error with certain documents, where the PDF could not be finalized in the last step of MadeToTag. This problem could be solved with the new version. Furthermore, the alternative text feature has been revised, which allows users to work in the overview dialog when macOS Dark Mode is set. In addition, the preview images will be displayed in the overview again, as expected.

Further improvements in version 3.2.132:

  • Task 1: The entry [Automatic] has been added to the drop-down menu for “Remove tag in paragraph”
  • Task 2: A new article will be now inserted after the currently selected article
  • Presets from previous versions are imported at the first start
  • Error messages contain translations as well as explanations

Fixed a bug, where …

  • Incorrect tags were applied in book mode
  • Form field properties were not applied if unknown keywords were used in the template
  • The form field template was not applied for template names which contained certain characters

The entire list of the release notes of MadeToTag version 3.2.132 can be reviewed here again:

All customers are recommended to download and install version 3.2.132. Click here to download.


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